How Miami, FL, Customers Can Prepare Possessions for Moving and Storage

by | Feb 22, 2021 | Moving Companies

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Many moving customers planning a move rely on industry professionals to store their belongings while they are in between residences. Often, if occupancy in a new residence is weeks, or even months, after a current residence needs to be vacated, customers will need the services of a company that offers both moving and storage Miami, FL, movers are very familiar with in transit storage and their storage facilities can accommodate all kinds of needs.

Efficient Ways to Pack Furniture

If a couch or chair has removable cushion covers, wash them for freshness.
Furniture can be polished to give it added protection before being stored.
Disassemble tables, shelving units and desks.
Make sure any furniture that you take apart has all of the nuts and bolts together in a sealed plastic bag taped to one of the furniture pieces.
Clean glass tabletops before removing them and wrap them in cushioned or plastic wrap.
The less room your furniture takes in storage, the less chance it has of becoming damaged.

Store Linens in Vacuum-Sealed Storage Bags

Duvets, comforters and pillows are bulky and can take up a lot of space. Use plastic storage bags that have a vacuum-seal. Once the air is removed, they are compressed to about one quarter of their size.

Invest in a Wardrobe Box for Clothing

For jackets, suits and items that can easily wrinkle, hang them in an upright wardrobe box. You can purchase these at Miami moving supply centers.
Basic clothing like t-shirts and jeans can be packed in suitcases to maximize space.

Electronics and Appliances

Take electronics apart for storage. If you have any of the original boxes from your big screen TV, DVD player or computer, use the boxes and the packing inserts to protect them from dust and damage.
If you are storing your fridge and freezer, defrost and clean them before the move.

Depending on the moving company you have chosen, they may have specific instructions for preparing your possessions for moving and storage. Miami, FL, moving and storage specialists will often wrap your belongings, pad them and place them in sealed and secure storage vaults. These vaults are ventilated and provide a safe environment for your possessions until you are ready to move them.

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